
SilveryCryptid's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 110 (From 40 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,325 Points


Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/80 points)

Welcome to the Island 5 Points


Work Week 50 Points

Survive 5 Nights

Levi Ramirez 25 Points

Find Levi Ramirez


Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/275 points)

BOBA Maker 25 Points

Save a level in the maker

BOBA 50 Points

Beat the game

Gotta Go Fast 100 Points

Beat the dev's speedrun time (7:15)

That Was Easy 100 Points

Beat the game with zero deaths


Medals Earned: 3/9 (20/280 points)

First Brood 5 Points

Make it to the first nest.

First Blood 5 Points

Perish for the first time.

Zap Avoidance 10 Points

Make it through a tricky hazard room.

Brood Awakening 10 Points

Defeat gravity with the power of eggs.

Key Master 25 Points

Make it through the advanced key room.

Glass Ceiling 25 Points

Make it through the advanced button room.

Gas Ceiling 50 Points

Make it through the first gas room.

The End 50 Points

Complete the game.

The End - Zoomer Edition 100 Points

Complete the game in under 200 generations


Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/30 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

BAD VANCE 5 Points

It looks like your vance skill is not good enough.

!FULL COMBO! 10 Points

You probably tried very hard?

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Christmas ADVENTure 2019

Medals Earned: 1/30 (5/445 points)

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 10 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 10 Points

Open the eleventh present!

December 12th 10 Points

Open the twelfth present!

December 13th 10 Points

Open the thirteenth present!

December 14th 10 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 10 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 10 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 17th 10 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 18th 10 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 19th 10 Points

Open the nineteenth present!

December 20th 25 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 21st 25 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 22nd 25 Points

Open the twenty-second present!

December 23rd 25 Points

Open the twenty-third present!

December 24th 25 Points

Open the twenty-fourth present!

December 25th 25 Points

Open the twenty-fifth present!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Deal with Putin

Medals Earned: 7/7 (60/60 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Crushed 5 Points

There go my hopes and dreams.

One Shot, One Kill 5 Points

Snipin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors.

25 Kill Streak 5 Points

Tactical nuke, incoming!

The Diplomatic Option 5 Points

The pen is mightier than the sword!

Urine Trouble 5 Points

Better go see a doctor!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Decryption: A Free Online MMO

Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/10 points)

Master Hacker 5 Points

decrypt a lock

Alexa play Real Friends by Kanye West 5 Points

Finish Game

Dream Punk

Medals Earned: 2/19 (10/340 points)

Move 5 Points

Learn to move.

Bounce 5 Points

Learn to bounce.

Glide 10 Points

Learn to glide.

Hook 10 Points

Learn to hookshot

Map 5 Points

Learn how to use the map.

Grind 25 Points

Learn to grind.

"Ness" 25 Points

Learn how to "Ness"

Recall 50 Points

Ascend the mountain and learn how to remember.

1 Chime 10 Points

Ring 1 chime.

2 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 2 chimes.

3 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 3 chimes

4 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 4 chimes

5 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 5 chimes

6 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 6 chimes.

7 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 7 chimes.

8 Chimes 25 Points

Ring 8 chimes.

9 Chimes 50 Points

Ring all 9 chimes.

Tape Collector 10 Points

Collect a tape.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Stats 50 Points

Fully max out a stat.

Egg Game

Medals Earned: 4/4 (30/30 points)

Level 1 5 Points

You beat level 1! Awesome, I guess

Level 2 5 Points

You beat level 2! Wow, you're actually playing this

YOU WIN!!!!! 10 Points

Ten points to you! You're a real winner!!!

Level 3 10 Points

A little harder than the others, but you managed to get through it

Elementalist: 0

Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/145 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Slay your very first elemental. Good job?

Gearing up 5 Points

Get your first upgrade. They are important!

It's getting hot 5 Points

Meet a new, fiery foe

Halfway there! 10 Points

175 enemies left. Keep on going!

Rich dude 10 Points

Get at least 1000 ether in a single run

Wait, they're healing?! 10 Points

Meet a watery, annoying slug

??? 25 Points

Reach the final boss. At last!

If I don't win like this... 25 Points

MAX up all your upgrades!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!